Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia Non-violence, find peace - World Peace Society of Australia

  Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength - St. Francis de Sales

Thank-you for your commitment to peace!

Below is the text of a letter which you can copy and paste into an email and send to world leaders.

Click here for a list of countries, titles, and email addresses.

Click here for a list of Australian consulates worldwide

Click here for a list of USA consulates worldwide.

Don't forget to add the world leader's title at the start, and your name at the end!

Dear  ,

As you know, since September 11 the world has irreversibly changed.

But it is the violence we face on our streets that translates to the fear and hatred that divides nations.

There is an opportunity to transform September 11, 2010 into an anniversary of peace. A day when every person begins the process of reconciliation within themselves. It is a simple concept that ‘Peace begins with Me’: no matter what we do, the first steps to lasting world peace begin in our homes, our communities and finally, our governments.

‘We must be the change we wish to see’ – M.K. Gandhi

Please help us spread the message of peace and harmony. Last year, cities and towns around the globe proclaimed September 11 ‘World Peace Day’ as a method of drawing their community’s attention to peace. Please consider doing the same. If you would like more information visit or email

I would also like to invite you to join in the global ‘World’s Biggest Hug for Peace’ by visiting The organisers would be honoured to receive your message of peace which would be featured on the website.
